Information E-Books
The following E-Books Have been developed to allow individuals in pain to take back control of their lives from the comfort of their own home. The following books are more informative and include what the condition is, how prevalent it is, the causes of the condition, how to assess and diagnose as well as the treatment options available.
All the information has been sourced from peer reviewed articles which is the gold standard of information in the therapy world. All studies are recent and have been reviewed before publishing therefore rest assured you are truly on your way to getting back to your best, pain free self.
Rehabilitation programs:
The Following E-Books are rehabilitation programs for the following conditions. They branch off the information books as after reading them you have a better understanding of the condition. This book will then walk you through your rehab to help you alleviate your pain. If any questions or concerns arise, a telehealth or in person appointment can be arranged to get you started on the right track. All this will equate to a fraction of the cost of attending a clinic 5-10+ times where you will spend $500 and more on treatment. Like this, you have all the information you need, the rehab program to help for $30 and potentially a consult or 2 to put point you in the right direction.

Ankle Sprains
Coming Soon !

Hamstring Strains
Coming Soon !

Knee Osteoarthritis
Coming Soon !

Plantar Fasciitis
Coming Soon !

Tennis Elbow
Coming Soon !